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Anyone wanting to learn the Fulani/Fulfulde/Peul languge should please see: "A Fulfulde (Adamawa) is a major language in Northern Cameroon and Nigeria.Since Adamawa Fulfulde: An Introductory Course is a competency based, self- language learning is not an overnight process, and since it unavoidably Northern Nlgerla, of WhlCh the speech of Adamawa lS the best known. The Language of thls Manual. Th1S book lS based on the speech of Khal1lu Tambadu, Spoken L1 Language: Adamawa Fulfulde ?Adamawa-Bagirmi Fulfulde (2) Arnott, David Whitehorn 1961, The subjunctive in Fula: a study of the relation Fulfulde (Adamawa) is a major language in Northern Cameroon and Nigeria. Fulfulde is the language of the Fulbe people (also known as Peul or Fulani), pdf document (readable with Adobe Acrobat Fulfulde (Adamawa) is a major language in Northern Cameroon and Nigeria. Africa are spoken by more than 20 or 30
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